Sonntag, 12. April 2015

Spring Break 2k15

My first and probably last American Spring Break and you probably expect crazy partys in swimming pools, climbing the roofs and stuff but oh well thats not quite the truth ;D

Spring Break (Frühlings Ferien) is mostly in the month of March-April and can be from one week up to 3 weeks long. Depends on the State and school district.
Alright let's put the idea of crazy Paries by side and i'll tell you about my spring break which was from the 28.03-07.04.2015.My family took me to the white sands and the carlsbad caverns both statepark/Nationalparks.WhiteSands National Park describes itself pretty good. Its a desert made out of white sand. To be correct the sand comes from an old lake which produces white crystalzes. Their christalz have become sand over the time . The material is called gypsum.
It was pretty impressing especially since i've never seen a desert before ! People surfed down the hills and for sure i took pictures with my new camera :)

I don't know whether you can tell or not but i drew  "NM" annitals in there for "new Mexico".

We drove to Carlsbad right after we#ve been visting the white sands. 
Carlsbad is known for their cave(s). Those underground wonders were so overwhelming the literally took my breath away. Those caves are a national monument and also known for their bat flights in the summer (which i coulndt see because they're taking a winter break down at the sunny Mexico).
At first you can't really tell that up that hill is something which could be so impressing and beautiful nut the you drive all the way up to the top of that hill, buy a ticket and walk to a (compared) little hole in the middle of nowhere when all the sudden you stand right inside a wonderland.

You seriously can't tell till you're actually in there.

Outside,right around that hole, they have an amphie theathre for watching the bats in summmer when they flyout to go and hunt. Those flight last up to an hour and you can watch them flying outside. Unfortunately, as i said, are those little guys on vocation.  Chickens because it had moderate 70.F down there.

Atlantis, i swear.

The caves conserve themselves with satying at a moderate temperature level.
Standing in there feels like as if you'd stuck in another time period . 
And (my friends know that but...) a lot of movies have been filmed down there and they actually took sceneries for creating and drawing atlatis, my absolute second favourte movies ,from there. I was so excited because you could really tell !

Standing there made me realize that there is so much out there which is more important. Who cares about a bad grade or messed up hair or weight gain (!!! ;'''D)

No seriously, it was amazing and unfortunatley i could'nt really put it on a picure  but i swear it was.
 On our way home we made a stop at state park which showed the animals and plants of New Mexico.

Thats about it , see you soon guys !