Freitag, 27. Februar 2015


Oh well. I've finnished my first semester and now that basketball season is over I only have to cheer on baseball games which gives me enough time to start another sport.
Spring season offers quite a few stuff such as tennis, track and field, baseball and softball. 

I've decided to do softball which is like baseball just that the 'soft'-ball is bigger and the gloves too. The field on the other hand is smaller so you have to run quicker. 
I'm excited even if I was a bit terrified in the beginning because you can break your nose easily, your teeth could get cracked etc. Practise is so much fun so far. Batting is the most fun ! 

We'll see how it goes and I'll keep you guys updated :) 

Ok or nah. (5.03.14) 

I got hit few times and decided NOT to do softball. It's a nie sport but I'm seriously too chicken for it :) 

Mittwoch, 4. Februar 2015

Super Bowl

Last Sunday was the super  Bowl . The final Game of the selected American Football teams. Well i cant say any more becaus I honestly  still dont get the rules neither the teams neither anything lol
My host parents had friends over and had a little party. My bf ( one of my BEST friends ) came over and we ended up watching the half time performance from Katy perry and watched a movie. 
Just to let you guys know ;) not a big post .