Freitag, 19. September 2014
Our little rats
They've been doing great and are so cute !
I defently gonna ask my mom if I can have some back in Germany ( by the way mom I want some rats ,okay ? Okay thanks )
There she is ; my little cutie
Dienstag, 16. September 2014
State Fair
As i told you guys, i wanted to do a post about Country fair which is basiclly the same as Statefair just on a lower level and also Sate fair contain a little karneval with ferris wheel and all the fun stuff .
Sate Fair is every year arround september and for new New Mexico it took place in Alberquerque .
What is it about ?
Its over one week where kid at the age of 9-18 show there animal which the raised on their own.
It hepls them to learn responsibility .
They are feeding their animals (pigs, goats , rabbits, sheeps, lambs ..) all year long , train with them and prepare them for their competition.
When we arrived at state fair we were prapring my host sister's animals . They had their own cage .
The pigs for example had to be shaved , washed and prepared with body lotion (...).
When they take part at the competition , the judge is judging about their weight, walk, shape,properation and much more .
They can win diffrent prices but the head winner would be the 'grand champion' who gets a belt buckelt and price money . After that most of the animals get sold . For example: My sister bought a pig for 500 dollar and she would sell it for 1200 dollar.
That seem much like it worth it but they were honest and said that they losse oney while doing it . You have to calculate all the food and time they have to spend on . I asked them whey their are doing it then and they respond because they've fun doing it and its a great way for kids to grow up with.
With the money they buy new animals and prepare for the next year .
For sure i had to buy a western outfit , sadly i had no cowboy boots because they were to expensive .
But at least i had my cowboy/cowgirl hat and a bucket belt .
Sate Fair is every year arround september and for new New Mexico it took place in Alberquerque .
What is it about ?
Its over one week where kid at the age of 9-18 show there animal which the raised on their own.
It hepls them to learn responsibility .
They are feeding their animals (pigs, goats , rabbits, sheeps, lambs ..) all year long , train with them and prepare them for their competition.
When we arrived at state fair we were prapring my host sister's animals . They had their own cage .
The pigs for example had to be shaved , washed and prepared with body lotion (...).
When they take part at the competition , the judge is judging about their weight, walk, shape,properation and much more .
They can win diffrent prices but the head winner would be the 'grand champion' who gets a belt buckelt and price money . After that most of the animals get sold . For example: My sister bought a pig for 500 dollar and she would sell it for 1200 dollar.
That seem much like it worth it but they were honest and said that they losse oney while doing it . You have to calculate all the food and time they have to spend on . I asked them whey their are doing it then and they respond because they've fun doing it and its a great way for kids to grow up with.
With the money they buy new animals and prepare for the next year .
I ate Alligator ..... |
For sure i had to buy a western outfit , sadly i had no cowboy boots because they were to expensive .
But at least i had my cowboy/cowgirl hat and a bucket belt .
Cute hm :) |
Mittwoch, 10. September 2014
Vergrößerung des Körperumfangs as known as gaining weight
Fett werden in den USA ?
Hergehöhrt zukünftige Austauschüler/innen:
FETT WERDEN IST NAHEZU UNMÖGLICH . Ich weiss dass ihr euch alle sehr den Kopf darüber zerbrecht , hab ich mir auch .
Und dass alle Ami's nur Fastfood essen ist ein dummes Vorurteil.
Meine Familie ernährt sich abnormal gesund .
Ich hab JEDEN Tag 50 minuten Weighliftig (TIPP: Ja, in Amerika is Weigliftig ein Subject das man wählen kann. Das is mega krass ,weil die Klasse eigentlich nur aus jungs besteht und demnach auch was gefordert wird.)
Ich hab nach der Schule nochmal 3(!!!) Stunden am Stück Cross Country.
Hell, thats pretty hard . You run till the point where you think you die and further.
Allein heute hatten wir 6 meilen Hill running ....
Ich mein ich hab immer versucht mich gesund zu ernähren und viel sport zu machen .
Aber ich war noch nie so in shape wie hier.
Ich hab doch tatsächlich fast 10 kilo abgenommen, bin abnormal schlank geworden, wieg 107 pounds (49 kilo ) und bin ein umherwandelndes Muskelpaket .
Mir passt ungelogen nix mehr . Meine Jeans .... lol.
Nur das mal zu dem Thema :' wenn du zurück kommst wiegst du ne tonne mehr ' .
Alsoooo alle mal tief ein und aus atmen . Dem Autausch steht nix im wege . Für alles gibt es eine lösung ;)
(Für die zukünftigen PPP'ler : Ich wünsch euch ganz viel glück ....langsam müssten dann bald auch mal die Applications Forms /Vorbereitung für Auswahlgespräch stattfinden (je nach organsisation) und ich hoffe ihr paukt schon fleißig für den Politik/History Part . Wer möchte kann mich gerne auf facebook anschreiben ,ich beantworte gerne jede frage die noch ungeklärt ist . Mit einigen von euch bin ich ja schon in Kontak :) Also dann meine lieben , den kopf nicht verlieren )
Hergehöhrt zukünftige Austauschüler/innen:
FETT WERDEN IST NAHEZU UNMÖGLICH . Ich weiss dass ihr euch alle sehr den Kopf darüber zerbrecht , hab ich mir auch .
Und dass alle Ami's nur Fastfood essen ist ein dummes Vorurteil.
Meine Familie ernährt sich abnormal gesund .
Ich hab JEDEN Tag 50 minuten Weighliftig (TIPP: Ja, in Amerika is Weigliftig ein Subject das man wählen kann. Das is mega krass ,weil die Klasse eigentlich nur aus jungs besteht und demnach auch was gefordert wird.)
Ich hab nach der Schule nochmal 3(!!!) Stunden am Stück Cross Country.
Hell, thats pretty hard . You run till the point where you think you die and further.
Allein heute hatten wir 6 meilen Hill running ....
Ich mein ich hab immer versucht mich gesund zu ernähren und viel sport zu machen .
Aber ich war noch nie so in shape wie hier.
Ich hab doch tatsächlich fast 10 kilo abgenommen, bin abnormal schlank geworden, wieg 107 pounds (49 kilo ) und bin ein umherwandelndes Muskelpaket .
Mir passt ungelogen nix mehr . Meine Jeans .... lol.
Nur das mal zu dem Thema :' wenn du zurück kommst wiegst du ne tonne mehr ' .
Alsoooo alle mal tief ein und aus atmen . Dem Autausch steht nix im wege . Für alles gibt es eine lösung ;)
(Für die zukünftigen PPP'ler : Ich wünsch euch ganz viel glück ....langsam müssten dann bald auch mal die Applications Forms /Vorbereitung für Auswahlgespräch stattfinden (je nach organsisation) und ich hoffe ihr paukt schon fleißig für den Politik/History Part . Wer möchte kann mich gerne auf facebook anschreiben ,ich beantworte gerne jede frage die noch ungeklärt ist . Mit einigen von euch bin ich ja schon in Kontak :) Also dann meine lieben , den kopf nicht verlieren )
Dienstag, 9. September 2014
Cheerleading ?
Hey guys !
Well tryout today naaah .
Honestly my performance was really bad lol. I was so excited and messed up with it TOTALLY.
After all girls tried out , she called our names one byone and we had to go in a seperate room ,where the judge was .
I wasn't suprised that i didn't made it .
Yes i was sad , but do you know what? I feel proud that some of my friends made it and i can understand that they need a perfect performance :)
So , well i will see if i try it again in the Basketball season (need a cute cheer uniform soooo bad hahah) .
Even if i didn't made it to the team : At least I TRIED IT and that's what counts.
Your exchange isn't always about winning situations but those moments where you feel sad , feel like you want to give up : these are the moments which makes you stronger ! The moments you grow with.
Have a nice day !
Well tryout today naaah .
Honestly my performance was really bad lol. I was so excited and messed up with it TOTALLY.
After all girls tried out , she called our names one byone and we had to go in a seperate room ,where the judge was .
I wasn't suprised that i didn't made it .
Yes i was sad , but do you know what? I feel proud that some of my friends made it and i can understand that they need a perfect performance :)
So , well i will see if i try it again in the Basketball season (need a cute cheer uniform soooo bad hahah) .
Even if i didn't made it to the team : At least I TRIED IT and that's what counts.
Your exchange isn't always about winning situations but those moments where you feel sad , feel like you want to give up : these are the moments which makes you stronger ! The moments you grow with.
Have a nice day !
Sonntag, 7. September 2014
New family member
Me and Olivia bought us some rats today !!!!
The light brown one is mine . Her name is Jamie-Fleur Riblett :)
And Olivia's is called Luna .
Samstag, 6. September 2014
Cheerleading Tryout
Guess who might cheer this season ?
On tuesday I had my first tryout day .
You basically learn the basic cheers , show your toe touch, cart wheel s.o .
Tryouts were from tuesday to friday.
On tuesday I had my first tryout day .
You basically learn the basic cheers , show your toe touch, cart wheel s.o .
Tryouts were from tuesday to friday.
Normally the final try outs would have been this friday but I was'nt there because of cross country . She made an excuse and let me tryout last Thursday.
Well, if i be honest i was'nt bad !
I have to wait till Tuesday and then i will let you know if gonna swing those pompoms ;)
Well, if i be honest i was'nt bad !
I have to wait till Tuesday and then i will let you know if gonna swing those pompoms ;)
Tilia ... A cheerleader !
(Btw the next game would be next friday ....and i would cheer then !)
(Btw the next game would be next friday ....and i would cheer then !)
The last weekend we went to Colorado to a town called Pitston . Basicly it's like Black Forrest.
We visited Lorens Parents . They have a little Cabin where we had met.
We visited Lorens Parents . They have a little Cabin where we had met.
We went there, after our first Varsity (Cross Country) run on Friday .
Don't judge i look horrible. It had about 90F.
The next day, we woke up at 5 am on Saturday morning , left at 8:00 o clock and drove about 7 hours. We mad a stop at the border to Colorado .
Don't judge i look horrible. It had about 90F.
The next day, we woke up at 5 am on Saturday morning , left at 8:00 o clock and drove about 7 hours. We mad a stop at the border to Colorado .
We stayed till Monday afternoon . No school ? Yes ! We had Labor Day : the day where they want to say thank you to those hard working people .
' Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.'
(Thanks google for the explanation).
' Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.'
(Thanks google for the explanation).
On Saturday we had a little hike around the landscape , watched movies in the cabin and just relaxed.
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